Friday, June 29, 2007
Step it up Mr. Obama!
Concord: The Boutons Meet Governor John Lynch
"The American Eagle. May the shadow of his wings protect every acre of our united continent and the lightning of his eye flash terror and defeat through the ranks of our enemies."
A statue of Daniel Webster outside the State House. One of Webster's many New Hampshire connections was his successful defense of Darthmouth College to keep it a private university. I love this following quote of Webster's on a military draft:
"The Administration asserts the right to fill the ranks of the regular army by compulsion...Is this, sir, consistent with the character of a free government? Is this civil liberty? Is this the real character of our Constitution? No sire, indeed it is not....Where is it written in the Constitution, in what article or section is it contained, that you may take children from their parents, and compel them to fight the battles of any war in which the folly or the wickedness of government may engage it? Under what concealment has this power lain hidden which now for the first time comes forth, with a tremendous and bailful aspect, to trample down and destroy the dearest rights of personal liberty?
Daniel Webster (December 9, 1814 House of Representatives Address)
Bless you, sir!
The NH House chamber (pictured right below) is the oldest one in continuous use in the United States. Amazingly enough, each representative receives only $200 per biennium (plus travel expenses) which is a good thing because New Hampshire citizens are some of the best represented citizens in the nation with 3,000 citizens to each representative (400 total)!
Friday, June 22, 2007
1st Trip to the White Mountains: Talking Moose
1st Trip to the White Mountains: Bretton Woods United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference Site (Whee!)
"The economic health of every country is a proper matter of concern to all
its neighbors, near and far."
Franklin Roosevelt speaking at the Bretton Woods Conference
1st Trip to the White Mountains: Our Meeting with The Old Man
Note: PLEASE click on each picture to see them enlarged.
1st Trip to the White Mountains:The Notch
Sunday, June 17, 2007
5-Year Anniversary and Herbal Fun at Pickity Place
Everying on this plate is edible---even the flower! And it's all from their gardens.
Graduation '07
- Erin has been hired by Dublin as a full-time history teacher for next year. She'll be teaching 10th grade World History and American Government.
- I've been promoted to History Department Chair for Dublin School. That means I'm Erin's boss next year. :)
- We are going to be moving in the next few weeks to Corner House into a 2-bedroom dorm apartment. The new place will have enough room for a huge study with built-in bookshelves for all of our history texts. One of the coolest things about our new place is the huge staircase that heads up to the dorm with a beautiful wooden banister. The apartment has incredible views of the campus on all sides, and we'll be right at the school's entrance. I really can't wait for Christmas now with all the decorating possibilities. We're already talking about where to put the tree. Pics will follow.
- Both Erin and I will be heading out to sea for a week-long cruise on a dual-masted schooner out of Boston. The cruise is part of a maritime history course that will give us real-world sailing experience to bring back into the classroom. I'm really excited about this trip because it will cap off my summer sailing job experience.
- I will be working 8 weeks at the Dublin Lake Club teaching sailing once they teach me how to do it. :) My fellow coaches tell me I'll be up and running in a matter of days, and I can't wait to be out on the lake getting paid to sail!
- Erin will be heading off to Oregon with her grandmother to visit some extended family for two weeks. She is so excited about seeing the Pacific coastline and spending time with her grandmother that she doesn't get to see very often.
We have plenty of other day trips and overnight plans for the summer, too, which we'll be posting on the blog as they happen.
Thank you so much for keeping up with our little adventures. We appreciate you* taking the time to read our ramblings!
*My brotherjoked that we're up to maybe two or three readers now! :)