Saturday, December 16, 2006

Know your cheese!

Did you know that the Cabot cheese on your grocer's shelf is from Vermont? Have you tried any? It's gosh-darned good so go out and get some.

The interesting thing about Cabot cheese is that it isn't really a company per se, but a co-op of growers all over the state that turn their milk into various products---cheese, yogurt, ice cream (Ben & Jerry's)---sold under one label. Kinda cool, huh? Now you know more about cheese than you wanted to.

Another cool fact is that there are more cows than people in Vermont. I made that up, but it feels true when you smell the air driving through the countryside.

"Ah, that's the smell of Ben and Jerry's cows!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at one time we had cows, but now
houses are there. i guess the cows
went home-vermont style. miss the
sound of those cows.